the members of the Faith Bible Church, being grateful to the Triune God for
our salvation and all blessings of life, and acknowledging the leadership of
the Holy Spirit in establishing and carrying on the witness of the Gospel
through this church, do hereby ordain and establish the following articles and
rules to which we voluntarily submit ourselves.
NAME of this church shall be the
PURPOSE of this church is to make
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the ultimate concern of life; to glorify Him
by the building up of Christians through the faithful teaching of God's Word;
to evangelize lost people through the worldwide proclamation of the Gospel; and
to encourage other Christian activities in the community until Jesus returns.
A. SCRIPTURE: We believe the Bible as set forth in the
sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments to be verbally inspired of God
and inerrant in its original autographs.
It is the final authority in matters of belief and conduct. (cf.,
Mat.4:4; 5:17,18; 22:32; Lk.11:5; Jh.5:46; Acts 26:22; Gal.3:16; Eph.2:20;
IThes.2:13; ITim.5:18; IITim.3:16; Heb.1:1,2; IIPet.1:19-21; Jude 3; Rev.22:18;
B. GODHEAD: We believe there is only one living and true
God. Who is infinite in being and
perfections, a completely pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts or
passions, unchangeable, immensely vast, eternal, limitless, almighty,
completely wise, completely holy, completely free, and completely
absolute. He works everything according
to the purpose of His own unchangeable and completely righteous will for His
own glory. God has all life, glory,
goodness, and blessedness in and of Himself.
He is the only source of all being, by Whom, through Whom, and to Whom
everything exists. Within the unity of
the Godhead there eternally exists three persons, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. This triunity is co-eternal in
being, co-equal in power and glory, possesses the same attributes and
perfections, is the same in substance but distinct in personal expression.
(cf., Deut.6:4; Isa.48:16; Mat.28:18,19; Jh.14:26; IICor.13;14; [WCF,II].)
God The Father: We believe that God the
Father is the first person of the Trinity.
Within the functional economy of the Godhead He occupies the position of
Head and is deferred to as such by the other members. The Fatherhood of God expresses an inner family relationship
within the Godhead and also extends outward toward the redeemed. The Father eternally exists; He is not
generated and does not come from any source; He is absolutely sovereign, holy,
loving, righteous, almighty, and glorious. (cf., Gen.1:1; 18:25; Psa.99:1-5;
Jh.3:16; 6:27; 14:28; 17:5; Rom.9:20; ICor.11:3; IPet.1:17; IJh.1:5; 4:8.)
God The Son: We believe that Jesus
Christ is the Eternal Son of God, second person of the Trinity, of one
substance, equal with and eternally generated from the Father. He took on Himself the nature of man, with
all its essential qualities and ordinary frailties - except that He is
sinless. Jesus was conceived by the
power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary out of her
substance. These two complete, perfect,
and distinct natures, the Godhood and manhood, were inseparably joined together
in the one person Jesus without being altered, disunited or mixed. The person Jesus is truly God and truly man,
yet one Christ, the only mediator between God and men. He is the
prophet,priest, and king, the head and savior of His church, the heir of all
things, and judge of the world. (cf.,Gen.12:3; IISam.7:16; Psa.2:6;110:1f;
Isa.7:14;9:6f; Jer.23:5,6; Mat.1:1,21-23;3:17; Lk.1:34,35;2:52; Jh.1:1-18;
8:56-58; 10:30;17:5; Acts2:30; Gal.3:8;4:4; Tit.2:13; Heb.1:1-3; 2:14-17;
God The Holy Spirit: We believe in the
Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father and
the Son, of the same substance and equal in power and glory, is, together with
the Father and the Son, to be believed in, loved, obeyed, and worshipped
throughout all ages. He is the giver of
life, the source of all good thoughts, pure desires, and holy counsels in men. By Him the prophets were moved to speak the
Word of God, and all the writers of the Holy Scriptures inspired to record
infallibly the mind and will of God. He
is the only efficient agent in the application of redemption. He regenerates men by His grace, convicts
them of sin, moves them to repentance, and persuades and enables them to
embrace Jesus Christ by faith. He
unites all believers to Christ, dwells in them as their Comforter and
Sanctifier, gives to them the spirit of adoption and prayer by His sanctifying
and sealing work until the day of redemption.
He calls and anoints ministers for their holy office, qualifies all
others officers in the church for their special work, and imparts various gifts
and graces to its members. By Him the
church will be preserved, increased, purified, and at last made perfectly holy
in the presence of God. (cf., Gen.1:2;6:3; Psa.104:30; 139:7; Mat.12:28;28:19;
Jh.3:3-8;6:44;14:17;16:7-13; Rom.8:2-16; 15:30; ICor.2:10-14;3:16;
6:19;12:3-13;15:45; Eph.1:13-23; 4:30; Tit.3:5; IPet.1:2; [WCF,XXXIV].)
MAN: We believe that God created
man in His own image, male and female, with reasoning immortal souls. Adam and Eve were endowed with intellect,
emotion and will which although inclined toward God, was nevertheless free to
either obey or disobey. He endowed them
with knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness, and wrote His Law in their
hearts. As long as man obeyed God's Law
and kept His commandment he had fellowship with God. But our first parents sinned in eating forbidden fruit. By this sin they fell from original
righteousness, became dead in sin and completely polluted in all their
faculties and parts of body and soul.
Since Adam and Eve are the root of all mankind, the guilt for this sin
has been imputed to all human beings, who are their natural descendants and
have inherited the same death in sin and the same corrupt nature. This original corruption completely
disinclines, incapacitates, and turns us away from every good, while it
completely inclines us to every evil.
From it comes all actualized sins.
During life on earth this corrupt nature remains in those who are
regenerated, and although it is pardoned and deadened in Christ, yet it and all
its impulses are truly and properly sinful.
Every sin, both original and actual, transgresses the righteous Law of
God and brings guilt on the sinner. Every sinner is consequently subject to the
wrath of God, the curse of the Law, and death, with all the resultant miseries,
spiritual, temporal, and eternal. (cf.,
Gen.1-3; Psa.8:6-8;51:5; Eccl.12:7; Jer.17:9;
Rom.1:18-32;:10-23;5:12-21;6:23;8:20; Col.3:20; [WCF,IV & VI].)
D. SALVATION: We believe that the doctrine of Salvation is
central to the message of Scripture.
Deliverance from the condemnation, control and consequence of sin was
PLANNED, EXECUTED, and APPLIED by the Triune God. The ULTIMATE basis of our salvation rests in the unconditional
election and eternal PLAN or counsel of God the Father in eternity past. The INSTRUMENTAL or historical basis of our
salvation was OBJECTIVELY executed by Jesus Christ the Son of God through His
active obedience to the Law of God and His passive satisfaction of divine
justice through His penal substitution and atoning death on the cross. The efficacy of His triumph over sin and
death was formally endorsed and confirmed by His bodily resurrection, ascension
and present session in heaven awaiting the glorious consummation of our total
deliverance at His Coming. SUBJECTIVELY
this work is applied to the elect by the Holy Spirit which is comprehended in a
series of biblical concepts which when stated in their logical order include:
GLORIFICATION. No one of these terms is
adequate to fully explain the meaning of Salvation
1. Calling: At the right time, appointed by Him, God effectually calls all
those and only those whom He has predestined to life. He calls them by His Word and Spirit out of their natural state
of sin and death into grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. God's GENERAL
call involves the free offer of salvation in the Gospel to all the world, it is
an ethical summons to repent and believe. His EFFICACIOUS call is that initial
saving act of God, whereby the sinner is enabled, because of the sovereign
grasp of God, to respond to the Gospel and fulfill His eternal will. Effectual calling usually accompanies the
General call in the external proclamation of the Gospel. (cf., Mat.28:19;
Jh.6:44,65; Acts 1;8; Rom.1:4; 8:30; 10:17; ICor.1:21; IThes.1:5; IIThes.2:12f;
2. Regeneration: Is the creative work of
the Holy Spirit which quickens or makes alive the sinner, giving him the
ability to respond to the Gospel in repentance and faith. Regeneration is wholly of God with man being
completely passive. It precedes all
true spiritual activity pertaining to Salvation and is synonymous with the
term, "born again." (cf.,
Ezk.36:25f; Jh.3:3-7; 2Cor.5:17; Eph.2:1; Tit.3:5; IPet.1:3,23; Mat.1:21;
20:28; 26:28; 27:46; [WCF,IX-XVIII]).
3. Conversion: Is the exercise of a
regenerate heart in response to the call of God in the Gospel. Conversion basically means "to
turn" and denotes a change of outlook and direction in life and action. It involves the full-orbed transformation of
the heart, mind and personality of a man through two elements called faith and
a. FAITH - Is the positive turning of a soul toward God. It is a
divine gift which enables the regenerate person to know, assent to Christ, and
obligates him to trust in Him alone for Salvation. (cf.,Acts 9:35; 11:21;
15:19; 16:30f; 26:20; ICor.15:3f; Eph.2:8f;2Tim.1:12; Heb.11:1,13; [WCF,XIV]).
b. REPENTANCE - Is the negative turning of a soul away from sin and
self-reliance. It is a divine gift by
which a sinner out of the sight and sense, not only of the danger but also of
the filthiness and odiousness of his sins, as contrary to the Holy nature and
righteousness of God, and upon apprehension of His mercy in Christ to such as
are penitent, so grieves for and hates his sins, as to turn from them all unto
God purposing and endeavoring to walk with Him in all the ways of His
commandments. (cf., Lk.15:17; Acts 11:18; Rom.2:4; 2Cor.7:9f; IThes.1:9;
IITim.2:25; [WCF,XV]).
4. Justification: Is the judicial act of
God's free grace whereby He declares the pardoned sinner as righteous in His
sight. This is not because of anything
worked in them or done by them, but for Christ's sake alone. He does not consider their faith itself as
an act of righteousness or any other obedient response to the Gospel on their
part. Rather He imputes to them the
obedience and judicial satisfaction earned by Christ. By His obedience and death Christ completely discharged the debt
of all those who are so justified, and made the correct, real, and full
satisfaction to His Father's justice on their behalf. It includes the removal of guilt and condemnation by the gift of
forgiveness and restoration to favor with God. (cf., Job 9:2; Rom.3:24f;
4:5,24f; 8:33; Gal.2:16f; [WCF,XI]).
5. Adoption: God guarantees the adoption
of all those who are justified in and for the sake of His only Son, Jesus
Christ. Those adopted enjoy the liberties and privileges of God's children,
have His name put on them, receive the Spirit of adoption, have access to the
throne of grace with boldness, and are enabled to cry Abba Father. They are
pitied, protected, provided for, and disciplined by Him as a father. They are never cast off, however and are
sealed until the day of redemption and inherit the promises as heirs of
everlasting salvation. ADOPTION, like
Justification, is a judicial act. It is
the bestowal of a status, not the implanting of something within us. It has to do with a relationship, not a
disposition. (cf., Jh.1:12; Rom.5:2;
8:15-17; Gal.4:4-6; Eph.1:5;3:12;4:30; Heb.4:16;6:12;13:5; IPet.1:3,4;5:7;
Rev.3:12; [WCF, XII]).
6. Sanctification: The basic meaning of
SANCTIFICATION involves being "set apart from the profane and dedicated
unto God." It is the progressive
outworking of the new life implanted by the Holy Spirit in regeneration whereby
the dominion of sin is destroyed and the capacity to serve and please Satan is
displaced and mortified and the capacity to serve and please God is more and
more strengthened in all spiritual graces to the practice of true holiness in
conformity to the likeness of Christ. (cf., Jh.17:17; Rom.8:28f; 12:1f;
ICor.1:30; 6:11; IICor.3:18; IThes.4:3; 5:23; Heb.10:10; IPet.1:15f;
IIPet.3:18; IJh.3:2; Jude24; [WCF,XIII]).
7. Glorification: Is the final climactic act
in God's redeeming work whereby the believer is at last constituted perfect in
Christ both in body and soul forever.
It will bring to final fruition the purpose and grace which was given in
Christ Jesus before time eternal. (cf., IITim.1:9; Eph.1:4f; Col.1:22; Rom.8:18f; 2Cor.5:1f).
A. THE CHURCH: The plan of redemption, or the covenant of
grace is always the same. That is to
say, men have always been saved in the same way, whether under the Old economy,
or the New. There is a strong
continuity of the elect people of God throughout the ages. They comprise one
unified company of the redeemed. Yet
within this great unity there is also diversity in the way God deals with men
in different eras. While the Church and
the geographical nation of Israel are part of the same elect people of God,
there is a revealed functional difference between them. The present BEGINNING
of the New Covenant in no way abrogates the earthly blessings promised Israel
in the Old Testament. These shall be
gloriously fulfilled and CONSUMMATED at the second coming of Christ. The Church is something different than a
one-to-one continuation of the geographical nation of Israel. The universal church exists as scattered
throughout the world and consists of all the elect of this age who are united
into one body under Christ the Head.
The local church is the gathered expression of the Kingdom of the Lord
Jesus Christ and the house and family of God, outside of which people cannot
USUALLY be saved. The purpose of this
elect company is to glorify God, edify one another, and make disciples of all
nations. The church is to preach God's
Word, administer the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's supper and practice
discipline among its members which profess faith in Jesus Christ in evidence of
regeneration. (cf.,Mat.16:18;28:18f; Jh.10:16; Acts 2:42; 9:4,5; 11:15; 14:27;
20:17-32; Eph.2:15,16;5:27; [WCF,XXV].)
B. SATAN: We believe that Satan is a personal
spirit-being originally created as an angel who fell from his privileged
position sometime before the Fall of man.
His objective is to defeat God's Kingdom. He has a host of demons who help carry out his wicked
schemes. The death of Christ has freed
the elect from Satan's power, and both he and his angels will eternally be
punished in the lake of fire at the last judgment. (cf.,Gen.3:1;Job
1:7;Isa.14:12-17; Ezk.28:11-19; Jh.8:44; Lk.8:12; IICor.4:4;11:13-15;
Eph.6:12-18; Col.2:15; IPet.5:8; IJh.3:8; Rev.12:7-9;20:1-3,10.)
STATE: We believe that after death
the bodies of human beings decompose and return to the dust, but their souls,
which do not die or sleep, have an immortal existence and immediately return to
God who created them. The souls of the
righteous are then perfected in holiness and are received into the highest
heavens, where they behold the face of God in light and glory and wait for the
full redemption of their bodies. The
souls of the wicked are thrown into hell, where they remain in torment and
complete darkness, set apart for the great day of judgment. Scripture recognizes only these two places,
and no other, for souls separated from their bodies. By the power of Christ all men will be raised with the very same
bodies and no other than the same bodies they had before. The unjust will be raised to dishonor, but
by His Spirit the bodies of the just will be raised to honor and be made
according to the pattern of His own glorious body. God the Father has ordained a day in which He will judge the
world in righteousness by Jesus Christ, to whom He has given all power and
judgment. At this time the righteous
will enter the eternal state of blessedness, joy and refreshment that comes
from the beneficial presence of the Lord.
But the wicked who do not know God and do not obey the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, will be thrown into eternal torment and punishment with everlasting
destruction away from the presence of the Lord and the glory of His power.
(cf., Gen.3:19; Eccl.12:7; Mat.24:36f; Mk.13:35f; Lk.12:35f; Jh.5:22,27; Acts
3:19; 17:31; Rom.2:5f;8:23f; ICor.6:3; IICor.5:10; IIThes.1:5f; Rev.20:11f;
COMING OF CHRIST: We believe in the
SECOND COMING of the Lord Jesus Christ. We
believe in the physical and victorious return of Christ. This "blessed
hope" is imminent, and it will be both visible and personal to "catch away" His redeemed ones, the
church. (cf.,Ezk.37:24f; Amos 9:11f;
Zech.14:4f; Mat.24:21; Jh.14:1f; Acts 1:11; ICor.15:51f;
IThes.1:10;4:13f;5:9; IIThes.2:1f; Tit.3:13; Rev.3:10;6:17; 19:6f; 20:1f;
OF SAINTS: We believe all those
elected by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and effectually called by the Holy
Spirit can never completely or finally fall out of their state of grace. Rather, they shall definitely continue in
that state to the end and are eternally saved.
Nevertheless, the temptations of Satan, the world, and their old carnal
nature, along with the neglect of the means of their preservation, may lead
believers to commit serious sins and to continue in them for a time. They consequently displease God and grieve
His Holy Spirit, have some fruit of God's grace and His comforts taken away
from them, have their hearts hardened and their consciences wounded, hurt and
offend others, and bring temporal judgments on themselves. Those who truly believe in the Lord Jesus,
may in this life be assured of salvation, established on the divine truth of
the promises of salvation, the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit giving
insight and peace, and the evident changes produced in both character and
conduct. (cf., Jh.5:24; 6:37f; 10:27f; 17:23; Rom.5:1; 8:1,9f,38,39; 11:29;
ICor.1:4f,30; 3:20f; Eph.1:3; 4:30; Phil.1:6; Col.2:10; IITim.1:12; Heb.6:18;
7:25; 10:14; IPet.1:5; IIPet.1:3f; IJh.4:17; 5:11f; [WCF,XVII,XVIII].)
GIFTS: We believe that God is sovereign in the imparting of all His gifts,
and that the gifts of evangelist and pastor/teacher are sufficient for the
equipping of the saints today. We
further believe permanent functional spiritual abilities are given to all
believers, for which we stand accountable to God for their proper use, and that
speaking in tongues and the working of spectacular sign gifts gradually ceased
as the New Testament Scriptures were completed and their authority became
established. We believe that God can
and does miraculously answer prayer today in accord with His own will. (cf.,
Josh.5:12; Rom.12:3f; ICor.12:4f;13:8; IICor.12:12; Heb.2:4; IPet.4:10;
Jh.15:7; Jas.5:13f; IJh.5:14f.)
We believe the sacraments or ordinances of Baptism
and the Lord's Supper are part of those divinely instituted means of grace,
(cf., the Word, sacraments, prayer, assembly for worship, etc.), which are
ordained to be the ordinary channels of the supernatural influences of the Holy
Spirit. Ordinances are external rituals
which set forth visibly the eternal truths of the Christian Faith both
universally and perpetually. They never confer spiritual blessings magically or
automatically but rather through faith and always accompanied by the preached
Word, which is the primary means of grace.
A. BAPTISM: We believe that the New Testament ordinance
of Baptism, instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, is the public immersion of a
believer in water in the name of the Triune God; it is the inaugural testimony
of that believer's identification by faith with Jesus Christ's death and
resurrection as our substitute and best fulfills the primary purpose of the
ordinance. (cf., Mat.28:19f; Acts 2:41f; 8:26f; Rom.6:4; Gal.3:3; Col.2:12f.)
SUPPER: We believe that the New
Testament ordinance of Communion, instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ, is the
regular partaking of the bread and fruit of the vine by believers in
remembrance of the death of Christ on our behalf. These elements, symbolic of His body and blood, are to be offered
to all believers every Lord's Day, preceded on each occasion by thoughtful
self-examination of their present walk of obedience in the Faith. (cf.,
Mat.26:26f; Mk.14:22f; Lk.22:14f; Acts 20:6f; ICor.11:20f.)
"Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive
the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having
been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and
joyfully enter into this covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We, therefore, by the aid of the Holy
Spirit, and in dependence upon the grace of God, PROMISE:
attend diligently as possible upon the public and social worship of God in this
church, to sanctify the Lord's Day, to be faithful in private devotions, and
strive in all things to honor our Lord and Savior by a life and conduct
becoming the Gospel of Christ.
...and, do
hereby pledge sincerely and unreservedly to devote ourselves to the Lord to be
His forever.
furthermore, we do promise to support and sustain the honor and worship of God
in this church, in contributing to its support and of the work it may at any
time undertake, as the Lord has given us.
...and to
preserve the good name of this church by consistent walk as the Lord shall give
us grace, that no reproach shall be brought upon the Master's Name."
A. QUALIFICATIONS: Any person who professes faith in Jesus
Christ as Savior, promises obedience to Him, has been baptized, supports
SECTION ONE of the STATEMENT OF FAITH of this church without reservation, and
voluntarily agrees to all the provisions of the Church Covenant, shall be
accepted as a member.
B. PROCEDURE: All candidates for membership will attend a
New Member Orientation Class and be interviewed by the Ruling Elders. Candidates must be able to give a clear
testimony to the fact that they have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior. Those who meet with
the approval of the Elders shall be welcomed into the fellowship of the church
during a Sunday Morning worship service.
C. STATUS: All persons in good and regular standing
shall be considered as COMMUNICANT/ACTIVE members until they indicate, through
verbal request or through inactivity, that they no longer are willing to accept
the responsibilities of church membership.
Any member who for a period of at least THREE MONTHS, fails to attend
any stated meeting of the church and fails to support it financially shall be
considered a SUSPENDED/INACTIVE member.
Still a member subject to the discipline of the Elders, he shall not be
entitled to hold an office or vote in any meeting of the church; his name shall
be placed on the inactive members list until restored. He shall be returned to active status
following a consistent attendance of three months. The following shall be considered as EXCEPTIONS to the previous
rule: (1) Persons who because of work or sickness, or physical disability are
unable to attend regularly, but indicate a desire to continue to support the
church in prayer and giving. (2) Persons who leave the community temporarily,
indicating the intent to return, such as college students, those in the
military, people vacationing, etc., shall be considered active members.
Any COMMUNICANT/ACTIVE member desiring to transfer his membership to another
church of like Faith and practice, not considered heretical or schismatic,
shall be granted a letter of recommendation to the stated church upon request.
An INACTIVE member requesting such letter shall be granted one, but it shall
plainly state that their status is an "inactive" member.
Any member who enters into full membership of another church shall be removed
from the membership of this church. Any
person who has been INACTIVE FOR ONE YEAR, who does not restore himself to
active status after TWO VISITS by the Elders or Deacons, shall be removed from
the membership rolls of this church. On
that second visit, the person must be notified that he has THREE MONTHS to
restore his active status before removal.
Any person being removed from membership shall be advised of such by
certified mail. Mere resignation does
not release this church from its obligation to continue to try to reinstate a
disaffected member. The church is not a
club from which one may freely resign.
This would be the equivalent to renouncing God and repudiating the Lord
Jesus Christ. The board of Elders is
obligated to do all within its power to keep every member on the roll as a
Communicant worshipping Christian.
Ecclesiastical discipline, one of the marks of a
true church, involves the responsible
oversight of the membership of a particular church to the end that no member by
his acts or words may be able with impunity to bring shame upon the Lord Jesus
Christ or to wander from His way without loving admonitions and all effort to
keep him active in the worship and fellowship.
The proper exercise of discipline seeks to maintain the glory of God,
the purity of His Church, and the keeping and reclaiming of disobedient
sinners. Proper DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES are set forth in the Scripture and must
be followed. They are: (1) instruction
in the Word, (2) individual's responsibility to admonish one another
(Mat.18:15; Gal.6:1), (3) if the admonition is rejected, then the calling of one
or more witnesses, (Mat.18:16), (4) if rejection persists, then the Church must
act through admonition, suspension, deposition, and excommunication.
In the case of conflicts between brethren, private reconciliation should be
sought following the procedures given in Scripture. (cf., Mat.5:23-26;
18:15-17; IICor.5:1f).
Any member who is bringing a public reproach on the name of Christ by some
flagrant sin of action, word or attitude, shall be confronted by the Ruling
Elders for the purpose of publicly correcting the situation. The Elders are obligated to act through
admonition, suspension, ban, deposition, and excommunication with the hope of
restoration. (cf., Mat.18:15f;
Gal.6:1,2; IITim.2:24f; Tit.3:10f).
Section One: AUTHORITY
It shall be understood that the Head of this church is Jesus Christ, and that
all decisions of men, whether Elders, Boards, Committees, or Congregation, are
to be made in accordance with the will of our Sovereign Lord and King.
The church recognizes the proper biblical norm for church leadership to be
invested in a plurality of God-ordained Elders, as opposed to a one-man
dictatorship or the opinion of the majority.
The Ruling Elders are the ordinary and perpetual officers of the church
and the immediate representatives of Christ to the congregation. They shall be the final human authority to
the church in spiritual matters, exercising oversight of the flock as
undershepherds of Christ and being accountable to Him for its welfare. They shall establish policy, determine programs
and give general direction to the ministries of the church. They may delegate to Deacons or Committees
the power to transact any of its business. (cf., Acts 20:28f; ITim.3:1f; 5:17f;
Titus 1:5f; Heb.13:17.)
The church is a representative and constitutional democracy and not a pure
democracy or ruled by an unlimited majority. The active membership shall have
the privilege and responsibility of giving its assent or disapproval, (ie.,
"ownership") in regard to matters of special importance effecting the
property of the church, calling or dismissing pastoral staff, electing
officers, approving an annual budget, etc.
This shall be done through regular and special called meetings. (cf., Acts 6:1f; 14:23; 15:22; Eph.4:3;
ITim.5:19f; Heb.13:17; IPet.2:5.)
Section Two, OFFICERS
ELDERS: This office has been understood to be designated in the Scriptures
by the title of "Governments" and of those who "rule well"
but do not labor in the Word and doctrine as a vocation.
Qualifications: This office is one of dignity and usefulness. They that fill it
should possess a competency of human learning and be blameless in life, sound
in doctrine and apt to teach. They
should exhibit a sobriety and holiness of life becoming the Gospel. Elders are to be the husband of one wife, in
this case a biblically divorced man, who biblically remarries, may serve as an
Elder since he is "the husband of one wife," (ie., the only biblical
grounds for divorce are sexual immorality and desertion of a believer by an
unbeliever, cf., Lev.21:7,14;22:13; Num.30:9; Deut.22:19,29;24:1-4; Isa.50:1;
Jer.3:1; Ezk.44:22; Mal.2:13-16; Mat.5:31,32;19:3-9; ICor.7:12-15,27,39;
[WCF,XXIV]). They are to rule their own
house well and should have a good report of them that are outside the
Church. Ruling Elders possess the same
authority and eligibility to office as Teaching Elders. They should cultivate zealously their own
aptness to teach the Bible. (cf., Acts 14:23;ITim.3:1f;4:14;
Duties: An Elder is to watch over the spiritual affairs of the church, to
guide, guard and feed the flock of God according to the principles of the Word
of God, to prevent corruption of doctrine or morals from entering. They are to preside over the Sacraments of
the church and to lead its people in the Worship of God. An Elder is to visit the people, instruct
the unlearned, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the
church, evangelize the unconverted and make disciples. They are to pray with and for the people,
being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the
flock. An Elder is to rule in moral and
spiritual matters with wisdom, meekness, loving kindness and firmness.
Election: The Board of Elders, after interviewing candidates who meet the
qualifications and understand the duties of the office, shall present up to
three men to the congregation for AFFIRMATION at the annual business meeting. If approved, they shall be ordained and duly
installed to serve a FIVE YEAR TERM on a rotational system. After serving one term of five years, they
shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed. During his five year term an Elder may choose to
take a one year sabbatical only with the prior approval of the Elder
Board. Ordination will be for life but
distinguished by ACTIVE or INACTIVE status.
Qualifications: The Pastoral office of a Teaching Elder is first in the Church
both in dignity and usefulness. A
Pastor/Teacher must meet all the qualification of a Ruling Elder. He must be called to labor in the Word and
doctrine, specially gifted to preach, and trained by God in order to serve as a
Teaching Elder. He must have formal
Seminary training or its equivalent Bible education and experience.
Duties: A Pastor/teacher is to feed the flock by reading, expounding and
preaching the Word of God faithfully, assuming a prominent role of leading the
church in its worship and ministries of edification and evangelism. He is to serve as an EQUAL MEMBER on the
Board of Elders, in overseeing the ministry, visiting the flock and being
available for spiritual counsel when needed.
He is to maintain a close contact with all boards and organizations of
the church. A Teaching Elder may select
his own Secretary and office staff with the approval of the Board of Elders,
and also provide the Stewardship Committee with input and suggestions for the
annual budget.
Election: A candidate for Pastor/Teacher shall be carefully examined by the
Board of Elders, which serves as the NOMINATING COMMITTEE, as to his Salvation,
doctrine, Christian conduct and call to the ministry. He shall be required to state his hearty agreement to the
Articles of Faith of this church and its Covenant. The Elders shall present only one candidate at a time for
congregational affirmation. Once
approved, he will assume this charge for an indefinite period of time.
Termination: A Pastor/Teacher when resigning is to give thirty days
notice. If removed through discipline
from the Board of Elders because of moral reasons, he shall be terminated
immediately, but given thirty days severance pay. All rights, responsibilities, and privileges of the office shall
cease with termination.
C. DEACONS: In addition to the Ruling Elders, Deacons
are ordinary and perpetual officers of the Church.
Qualifications: Deacons must be above
reproach, the husband of one wife, in this case a biblically divorced man, who
biblically remarries, may serve as a Deacon since he is "the husband of
one wife," (ie., the only biblical grounds for divorce are sexual
immorality and desertion of a believer by an unbeliever, cf.,
Lev.21:7,14;22:13; Num.30:9; Deut.22:19,29;24:1-4; Isa.50:1; Jer.3:1;
Ezk.44:22; Mal.2:13-16; Mat.5:31,32;19:3-9; ICor.7:12-15,27,39;
[WCF,XXIV]). They should be noted for
sobriety and discretion, well behaved, hospitable, not prone to violence or
contentious, but gentle, and free from the love of money. They should be good leaders in their own
home, with dependent children showing them respect and obedience. Deacons must not be new Christians, but men
of proven spiritual maturity, sound in doctrine and an active participant in
the affairs of the church. (cf.,Acts 6:1f; ITim.8:8f.)
2. Duties: Deacons are spiritual men who perform
practical service in meeting temporal needs and provide relief and
complimentary support to the ministry of a local church. They serve under and are responsible to the
Ruling Elders for serving communion, providing assistance for Baptisms,
receiving the offering, greeting and ushering at the stated meetings of the
church. They are to visit the sick, keep
records of the membership, and care for those in the flock who have temporal
needs. Deacons are to provide for the
physical needs of the church and to maintain its properties and equipment. They shall supervise the Custodian and
periodically review his work. The
Deacons are to organize and administer the finances of the church, and work
with the Stewardship Committee to provide for the annual budget.
3. Election: Upon the recommendation of the Board of
Elders, up to three Deacons shall be presented for approval to the congregation
at the annual business meeting. If
affirmed, they shall be duly installed to serve a THREE YEAR TERM on a
rotational system. After serving one
term of three years, they shall not be eligible for re-election until one year
has elapsed.
Qualifications: A Deaconess must be above reproach, noted for sobriety and
discretion, well behaved, a reputation for hospitality, not a malicious gossip,
well disciplined, and dependable in all things. She must not be a new Christian, but a woman of proven spiritual
maturity, sound in doctrine and an actively involved in the affairs of the
church. (cf., Acts 9:36; 18:26; Rom.16:1; ITim.3:11; 5:10; Titus 2:3f.)
Duties: Deaconesses are spiritual women who perform practical service in
meeting temporal needs and thus provide relief and complimentary support to the
ministry of a local church, particularly in situations which would be better
handled by a woman. They are to prepare
the elements for Communion and provide assistance for Baptisms. They are to promote hospitality and
thoughtful expressions of care and kindness in times of joy, bereavement,
suffering or need in every area of church life; and provide the Stewardship Committee
with input and suggestions for the annual budget.
Election: Upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders, an indefinite number
of Deaconesses shall be presented for approval to the congregation at the
annual business meeting. If approved,
they shall be duly installed to serve a TWO YEAR TERM on a rotational
system. After serving one term of two
years, they shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.
Qualifications: The Treasurer of the church must be above reproach and have a
sufficient knowledge in bookkeeping and skill in preparing financial statements
to administer the duties of this office.
2. Duties: The Treasurer shall receive, count, classify,
deposit and disburse all funds of the church.
They shall keep a record of all such transactions, and regularly present
a financial statement to the Deacon Board.
A report shall also be presented at the annual congregational
meeting. The Treasurer shall receive from
the Financial Secretary all funds properly credited, and shall be responsible
for the payment of such funds each week to the account of the church, in a bank
designated by the Deacon Board. They
shall draw countersigned checks against these funds. There shall be kept under their direction, a ledger showing the
cash amount of all funds and a balance taken at the close of each month. They shall also have custody of all legal
papers pertaining to the property and finances of the church, such as deeds,
abstracts, insurance policies, bonds, notes, etc. These items shall be kept in a depository designated by the
Deacon Board and be submitted for audit periodically as directed by that board.
3. Election: The Treasurer, upon the recommendation of
the Board of Elders, shall be presented for approval to the congregation at the
annual business meeting. If approved,
they shall be duly installed for a one year term of office. After serving three one year terms, they
shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.
Qualifications: The Financial Secretary must be above reproach, and have
sufficient knowledge in bookkeeping and skill in preparing financial statements
to administer the duties of this office.
Duties: The Financial Secretary shall receive, record and surrender to the
Treasurer all records of tithes, regular offerings, special offerings, and
issue receipts thereof. They shall
supervise and keep records of the offering envelope system of giving, shall
purchase needed supplies, and shall be the agent of the Treasurer when
depositing funds in the bank.
Election: The Financial Secretary, upon the recommendation of the Board of
Elders, shall be presented for affirmation to the congregation at the annual
business meeting. If approved, they
shall be duly installed for a one year term of office. After serving three one year terms, they
shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.
Qualifications: The Sunday School Superintendent should meet the spiritual
qualifications of church leaders set forth in ITimothy 3:1-13. They must not be a new Christian, but a
person of proven spiritual maturity, sound in doctrine and actively involved in
the affairs of the church. They should
be especially skilled in teaching, and have a passion to see God's Word
communicated within the ministries of the church.
Duties: The Superintendent shall be the executive head of the Christian
Education Committee and in charge of the Sunday School. They shall be responsible to the Board of
Elders to administer, organize, plan, delegate, and evaluate all the
educational ministries of the church.
They will meet periodically with the Board of Elders for their input and
to inform them of the current status of their ministry.
Election: The Sunday School Superintendent, upon the recommendation of the
Board of Elders, shall be presented for approval to the congregation at the
annual business meeting. If approved,
he shall be duly installed for a one year term of office. After serving three
one year terms, he shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has
Qualifications: The Sunday School Secretary must be skilled at giving special
attention to details, and faithful in attendance.
Duties: They shall keep records of attendance and finances for the entire
Sunday School, and be responsible for ordering and distributing all
instructional materials to the teachers.
Election: The Sunday School Secretary, upon the recommendation of the Board of
Elders, shall be presented for approval to the congregation at the annual
business meeting. If approved, they
shall be duly installed for a one year term of office. After serving three one
year terms, they shall not be eligible for re-election until one year has
following offices shall have an Assistant with same qualifications and duties,
and approved by the congregation on the same terms to aid them in carrying out
Section Three - BOARDS
Membership: Consists of the pastor, associate pastor(s), if there be any, and
Ruling Elders of a church. The pastor
and one third of the Ruling Elders shall constitute a quorum. The pastor is, by virtue of his office, the
Moderator of the Session/Elder Board.
Duties: It is charged with the maintaining of the spiritual government of the
church, for which purpose it has power to inquire into the knowledge;
principles and Christian conduct of the church members under its care; to
censure those found delinquent; to receive members into the communion of the
church; to remove them for just cause; to grant letters of dismissal to other
churches; to examine and nominate candidates to office and upon their election
by the church, to require them to devote themselves to their work; to approve
and adopt the budget; to approve actions of special importance affecting church
property, and to call congregational meetings when necessary; to establish and
control Sunday schools and Bible classes with special reference to the children
of the church; to establish and control all special groups in the Church; to
promote World missions; to promote obedience to the Great Commission in its
totality at home and abroad; to order collections for pious uses; to exercise
authority over the time and place of the preaching of the Word and the
administration of the Sacraments; over all other religious services, over the
music in the services, and over the uses to which the church building and
properties may be put to; and to determine the best measures for promoting the
spiritual interests of the church and congregation.
Meetings: The Elder Board shall hold stated meetings at least quarterly. The pastor has power to convene a meeting
when he judges it necessary; and he shall always call a session when requested
to do so by any two Ruling Elders. When
there is no pastor, it may be convened by two Ruling Elders, with one of their
members elected as Moderator. Accurate
records of its proceedings should be kept.
Membership: The Deacons and Deaconesses of the church shall be organized as a
board, of which the pastor shall be an advisory member, associate members shall
also include the Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Sunday school
Superintendent. They shall elect a
chairman and secretary from their number.
Duties: It is the duty of the Deacon Board as a ministry of mercy, to express
care toward those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any
who may be in distress. It is their
duty to also develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church, to
devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people, and to
distribute these gifts among the objects to which they are contributed. They shall have the care of the property of
the congregation, both real and personal, and shall keep in proper repair the
church edifice and other buildings belonging to the congregation. In matters of
special importance affecting the property of the church, they cannot take final
action without the approval of the Board of Elders and consent of the
Congregation. In the discharge of their
duties the Deacons are under the supervision and authority of the Board of
Meetings: It shall meet separately at least once a quarter, and whenever
requested by the Board of Elders. It is
also desirable that they meet with the Board of Elders in joint session once a
quarter to confer on matters of common interests.
Section Four - COMMITTEES
Membership: This committee shall consist of at least seven members, two shall
be appointed by the Sunday School Superintendent, two shall be appointed by the
Board of Elders, and two by the Pastor. All members, including the Sunday
School Superintendent and his Assistant shall be appointed to this committee in
January for one year.
Duties: This committee shall serve under and be responsible to the Board of
Elders to disciple people to spiritual maturity and for developing the
educational program of the church through its Sunday School, Children's, Youth,
and other ministries. It shall also provide the Stewardship Committee with
input and suggestions for the annual budget. All current teachers, sponsors, workers, curriculum, and programs,
are to be initiated and evaluated by this committee at periodic meetings.
Membership: Upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders, at least three
members are to be affirmed to a one year term by the congregation at the annual
business meeting, and at least three more members are to be appointed by the
pastor, to a one year term in January.
Duties: This committee shall serve under and be responsible to the Board of
Elders for developing a ministry of Global Outreach in keeping with the Great
Commission. It has the right of
selecting missionaries, judging their fitness, of ordaining and sending them
forth into the field, and of recalling and deposing them when unfaithful, with
the approval of the Board of Elders. It
shall encourage regular prayer for missionaries, through information, education
and involvement of the congregation on a consistent basis. It shall seek to
evaluate financial needs, review support levels, screen new missionary
candidates, and make budget recommendations to the Board of Deacons.
a. One member shall act as
TREASURER, and shall make deposits and write checks from the Mission
Account. They shall present a report
quarterly to the Board of Elders and annually in writing to the congregation.
b. Another member shall be
SECRETARY, who will assist the Treasurer in keeping records of all income,
payments and commitments, while maintaining an up to date correspondence with
those missionaries supported regularly by the church.
Membership: This committee shall consist of the Treasurer and Assistant,
Financial Secretary, and the Board of Deacons.
Duties: The Stewardship Committee serves under and is responsible to the Board
of Elders, and is to recommend an overall stewardship plan and unified church
budget annually. Working with the
Treasurer and Financial Secretary, it is to advise the church in administration
of both normal funds and special gifts received during the year for the work of
this ministry. Using sound principles
of financial management, it is to make regular and annual reports of all funds
received and audit its records periodically.
Membership: This committee shall consist of the Director of Music and all
instrumental accompanists of the church who actively participate in the music
program. Two or more other members
shall be appointed by the Board of Elders in January for a one year term.
Duties: This committee shall serve under and be responsible to the Board of
Elders to establish and promote Christ-honoring
ministry of music for the whole church. This will include correlating of specials,
choirs, instrumental numbers, cantatas, etc., within the worship schedule
through out the year. It should also
keep the Deacon Board informed as to the quality of sound equipment, robes, and
instruments used through out the church, and provide the Stewardship Committee
with input and suggestions for the annual budget.
may be several auxiliary organizations, like Women's Groups and Children's
Clubs, which are designed to assist the church in carrying out its stated
purposes, but none shall be initiated without the consent of the Board of
Elders. Such organizations may be
self-governing, but always be subject to the control of the church through its
Constitution and Policies. They shall
make reports to the congregation at its annual business meeting.
church shall meet each Sunday, and other days such as deemed necessary by the
Board of Elders for worship of God.
These meetings shall consist of prayer, musical expression of praise to
God, preaching, instruction, fellowship and evangelism. The ordinance of the Lord's Supper is to be
offered to all believers every Lord's Day.
BUSINESS MEETING: The congregation shall meet annually the fourth week in January,
or an alternate date stated by the Board of Elders. An annual budget shall be approved and reports from all
organizations of the church shall be summarized to the congregation. Nominations for offices in the church shall
be presented to the congregation for their assent or disapproval, and those
approved installed the next Sunday.
Parliamentary rules given in Robert's Rules of Order, is the standard
procedure used for such meetings.
Voting: Any COMMUNICANT/ACTIVE member of the church at least fifteen years old
in attendance will be eligible to vote.
A large negative vote from the congregation will be considered by the
Board of Elders as valid grounds for re-evaluation but not automatically change
the decision.
Quorum: One third of the active membership, present at a stated or properly
called meeting, shall constitute a quorum.
Voting by proxy is not allowed.
CALLED BUSINESS MEETING: A meeting may be called at any time by the Board
of Elders, pastoral staff, or Board of Deacons. It must be preceded by public notice of the time, place and
purpose on at least two Sundays next preceding the day of the meeting.
a male member of this church, meeting the qualifications set forth in ITimothy
3:1-7 and Ephesians 4:11,12, and believing the God has called him to the
Christian Ministry as a vocation, may make application for licensing or
ordination to the Board of Elders.
Section Two - APPROVAL
After a period of licensing, if the Board of Elders believe that the applicant should be ordained to the Gospel Ministry, they may instruct the pastor to call an ordination Council which shall include representatives from other churches of like precious faith and practice to thoroughly examine the candidate as to his salvation, calling, education, experience, and doctrinal beliefs. The candidate shall be publicly ordained to the Gospel Ministry upon the approval and recommendation of this Council.
Section Three - OVERSIGHT
shall be within the authority of the Board of Elders, in consultation with
those members of his ordination Council, to discipline even to the revoking of
license or ordination credential of any minister licensed or ordained under
this constitution, if said minister is found guilty of any flagrant violation
of Scriptural doctrine or immoral behavior, after an impartial investigation
has been conducted in the spirit of ICorinthians 13, and Galatians 6.
FINANCES: This church shall be financed according to
the biblical method of tithes and offerings of God's people. There is to be no selling of goods or
services to provide for normal financial needs of the church. (cf., Gen.14:20; Lev.27:30f; Mal.3:17f;
Mat.23:23; Lk.14:28f; ICor.16;1f; IICor.8:1-9:15; Phil.4:14f; ITim.5:3f;
AMENDMENTS: This constitution or any
part thereof may be amended, changed or added to at any regular or called
congregational meeting, by the concurrence of two-thirds of the active members
present and voting.
DISSOLUTION: In the event of the
dissolution of this organization, the property and other physical assets
belonging to the Faith Bible Church will be turned over to a similar group
with like purpose and objectives, selected by the Board of Elders with the
assent of the congregation in a special called business meeting.
other rules adopted previous to THIS constitution are hereby declared null and
Originally adopted: December 18,
Revision adopted:
October 25, 1987
This Revision: September 30, 1992
Further Amendments: July 9, 1995