1. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and life, and the final authority in all matters to which it speaks.
2. The one living, sovereign God eternally exists in three Persons- Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. The Creation of all things was by the direct act of God, for His own glory. God created man, male and female in His own image, with immortal souls.
4. Man's chief purpose for existence is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
5. Adam and Eve sinned against God and so all men are descended from Adam and are sinners by
nature and by choice and are unable to save themselves from this lost condition.
6. In love God, reached down to sinful men, all of whom deserved eternal Hell, and chose in Jesus Christ His
Son a great multitude to be saved.
7. Jesus Christ is both God and man. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for the sins of His people, rose bodily from the tomb, ascended into Heaven, and is visibly coming to Earth again as the Judge of all.
8. Sinners are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit who persuades and enables them to come to Christ in repentance and faith.
9. Salvation is freely offered to all men but only those who come to faith in Christ are saved. Salvation is by faith alone, not by works of obedience.
10. God demands and enables saved people to live holy lives according to the teaching of His Word in gratitude for the gift of salvation.
11. The primary mission of born again Christians is to seek to win lost people to Jesus Christ, and then build them up in faith.
12. Christians are to be active in a local church, in obedience to Christ, and for growth and serving.
13. Believers may at times backslide, but God disciplines and restores them to repentance, so that they are never lost, but are kept by Gods power.
14. There will be a resurrection and judgment both of the saved and of the lost.
15. Lost sinners will be punished eternally in Hell, according to God's perfect justice; and believers will be eternally blessed in Heaven, to the praise of God's infinite grace.
16. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are for all believers, but only for believers.